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Dec 31, 2020

What do kids needs the most this Christmas?  One greatly needed is a close example of sacrificial love, like that in a Christian marriage.  Can you give it to your kids? Listen to Christ’s words to start the new year?

Dec 30, 2020

Are you good at resolving conflict?  Listen to Jesus to learn how to do it well.  Subscribe to the Christ for Disicplers podcast...

Dec 29, 2020

Does it sound like Christmas when you open your mouth? What do you sound like when you talk to and about your family?  Do you sound loving and happy and wonderful?  Do you sound pained and hateful? Listen to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount helps us speak with our family...

Dec 28, 2020

Is living 99% for your God enough?  Most think it is more than enough -- but Jesus disagrees.  Thankfully Jesus lived 100% perfectly for us.  He calls us to strive to live for Him and to train our kids to do the same.  Listen how Jesus addresses this in the sermon on the mount.

Dec 25, 2020

 Do you stand out from those around you that aren’t Christians?  Do your Children?  If someone tried to convict you of being Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?  God calls us to be noticeable and notice.  Listen for God’s encouragement...