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Jan 31, 2019

Ever heard the advice, "Begin with the why." That guides leader to not be distracted by the end product or activity but focus instead on the core of what is happening.  The why motivated people.  Jesus knew his why and calls us to have the same one and train the next generation in it. 

Jan 30, 2019

God could have invented a world where eating was not necessary. But eating is a gift from God where we connect with others and open up lines of discipleship with mentees, children, and scholars from your classroom. Listen to hear about Jesus' discipleship dinner.

Jan 29, 2019

Whom do you follow on Twitter? Would you want to be like them or are you just curious enough to keep your distance. Jesus' call to discipleship is no distant call but a tight jump of no return. We need to follow Jesus closely if we want our children to follow Jesus by following us.

Jan 28, 2019

There are good programs and intentional ways to carry out God's work and train the next generation of disciples. But most discipleship and perhaps the best happens in normal everyday activities. Jesus disciples on the road and interacting at a toll booth. Listen to each weekday's podcast to apply it to your...

Jan 25, 2019

Our children need to be assured that what God says is true and he will do it.  God’s power and healing is real. Jesus teaches that as he heals the servant of the Centurion.